Friday, May 22, 2020

Natural hair color with Hibiscus flower

You may be heard henna is a natural hair dye, but you may not be aware of hibiscus flowers benefits on hair coloring. Hibiscus flowers can give natural hint of reddish color for your hair. Hibiscus flowers can enhance the hair color to crimson tinge naturally. And also it add lustre to the hair without drying it out or causing your hair to turn brittle like regular chemical hair dyes. Hibiscus flowers have been used since centuries to promote hair growth and eliminate dandruff.

Hibiscus flowers can be used as a natural herbal method to add or accentuate red colors and highlights in your hair. While hibiscus flowers can come in a variety of colors from white to yellow to pink to red, you're going to want to use red flowers to add red dye to your hair.

If you would like to try it out for yourself, check out this DIY hibiscus flower hair colour enhancer recipe.

  • Red hibiscus flower petals (1 cup)
  • Waer (2 cups)
  • Spray bottle
  • Comb

Procedure to prepare Hibiscus tea wash for Natural Hair Color Enhancer:
  • Boil 2 cups of water and remove from heat.
  • Add 1/2c to 1c hibiscus flowers depending on how much color you want to add to your hair.
  • Let it steep for 5-10 minutes and then remove the flowers from the water using a strainer.
  • Let the water cool to room temperature.
In addition to adding more  flowers to the water, the other way to increase or decrease the strength of the color is to allow the mixture to steep longer (or less). If you're looking for the most red you can get, you can even leave the flowers in the water until it has cooled completely to room temperature.

How to apply:
  • One of the easiest ways to apply the color to your hair without getting it all over everything else is to use a spray bottle.
  • Put the cooled hibiscus tea into an empty, clean spray bottle and then use it to apply onto clean, dry hair.
  • Doing it this way also allows you to choose whether you want to highlight just some small areas instead applying to all your hair at once.
  • Spray enough onto the areas you want to color to make the hair wet.
  • If you'd like to ensure a more even application, you can run a comb through your hair to make sure the color is spread equally.
  • Leave it in for 30-60 minutes and then rinse out in the shower.
  • If possible, allow your hair to dry in the sun, or blow dry it to help bring out the highlights even more.

Safety precaution:
  • Be careful while your hair is wet with the hibiscus in it - although the dye is temporary on your hair, it can leave a stain on fabrics or furniture that may absorb some of the color.
  • Although several tea blends are made with hibiscus flowers in them, and the flower is also sometimes used as an edible garnish, there are hundreds of species of hibiscus plants. Make sure you check exactly what you're using before considering to consume your leftovers!