Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful phase in a woman’s life. As the little one grows inside you, your body undergoes various changes. Most of the changes experienced during this period are due to the hormonal changes taking place. These extra hormones in your body changes your regular hair cycles. Some women have frizzy, dry and curly hair. Some may face heavy hair fall.
With good care and diet, your hair can restored to its natural condition within six months of delivery. Lets see the tips to take care of your hair during pregnancy.
Hair massage
The best way to take care of your hair during pregnancy is by having a good hair massage for your scalp. Massaging can also helps you to get relax from your stress. Good scalp massage with oil on the scalp, will help to increase hair thickness and improves blood circulation which stimulates hair growth.
Oil your hair or massage your hair atleast 2-4 times a week. Using natural hair on the scalp is the best way to add nourishment to the hair. You can use oils like olive, coconut, castor, sesame, and almond oils. Heat the oil slightly and make sure it is not too hot, just warm. Massaging will help to strengthen your hair roots and prevents hair fall.
Avoid hair coloring
When women is pregnant, it is best to avoid coloring your hair. Because some studies shows that the use of hair dyes can increase the risk of low birth weight, neuroblastoma, and leukaemia in the offspring. Be careful, that certain hair colors and dyes can trigger allergies or infections, it is better to avoid them during pregnancy.
Stress is one of the reason, most of the people have heavy hair fall. During pregnancy, women's have hair fall due to stress also. Women's will have change in hormones and mood swings during pregnancy, it will have a negative impact on the hair. It is better to relax by doing some activities like walking, playing, meditation etc. You can also take a long bath, some soothing music, meditation, yoga, go for good head massage etc. These are simple thing which can bring big role in easing your pregnancy and helps you to get along with your changes when you face.
Balanced Diet
The food which you intake will help nuture your baby and gives strength to your body when you go through changes. Balance diet helps to provide nourishment to your hair as well. Add milk, fruits, vegetable, meats, fish, lentils, grains and other ingredients in your daily diet.
Hair trimming
Hair trimming will help to avoid split ends and rough ends when you go through changes during pregnancy. Hormonal changes in the body will make change in your hair texture and thickness. So, do hair trimming regularly when you're pregnancy phase.
Avoid combing the hair wet
When the hair is wet, avoid combing your hair, because usually wet hair combing makes your hair break easily. Let your hair dry naturally or use a hair dryer with medium heat. Comb the hair using a wide-toothed comb when it is dry. This will help prevent hair fall.
Shampoo and condition
Make sure you use shampoo at least once or twice a week. Use a mild shampoo and apply a conditioner every time you wash your hair. Pay special attention to the tips of the hair to avoid dry or split ends. As you progress in your pregnancy, washing your hair becomes more difficult.
These simple steps can help you in easing your pregnancy months and helping you cope up better with the changes you are going through. It is a special time in women's life, so enjoy it fully. Thank you!!!!